Speed Interview with OHSummit Keynote AnnMarie Thomas

by Addie Wagenknecht on July 27, 2015

What do you plan to do at this years OHS?
Meet amazing people, and tell some stories about unusual collaborations and playful learning.

What’s your most used OS electronic or component?
Conductive play dough? If we’re truly talking “most used” I’d have to say Lilypad Arduino.

Favorite website of the moment?
Hard to answer… So many for so many different purposes. Since I’m writing this while on a multi-week trip and am needing to stay in touch with my research group, I’ll have to go with Google hangouts. (does that count as a website?)

What are you working on or thinking about right now?
Lots of really fun collaborations that merge art and technology: one with a chef, one with a felt artist, one with a music group, and a few others.

What’s your favorite junk food?
Coffee, coffee, and more coffee.

How can we find out more about you?

Picture that describes you: 

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